Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sentence Composing #2

1. Mall strolling is recreational activity, sometimes quite costly.

2. Behind the pool, zigzagging in back of the cabana, was a skittering gecko.

3. After the cartoons and previews, the kids were just becoming interested when the fire alarm sounded.

4. On that aisle, the tempting, brightly colored candies and lifesavers, sweet and tasty, were beckoning to children in their kiddie seats within their mom's grocery carts.

1 comment:

Kristin G said...

Eating out is fun for all, oftentimes a jungle for children.

Under the bench, pondering his next move, lay a sniper loading his Beretta.

Before anyone could say a word, the fans jumped out of their seats when the announcer corrected the false statement of “HOMERUN!”

On the prairie, the course, brown grass and wheat, swaying and swirling, engulfed the pioneers on their way home.