Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pride and Prejudice

1. I think they're both proud, and both prejudice. Darcy seems proud, though not as proud as Elizabeth thought. He also was prejudice because the Bennets were only middle class, and he was not. Elizabeth was proud because she wouldn't put her feelings out there until the end, she wanted to stay strong and let everyone think she had it all together. She was prejudice because she judged him without even knowing him, just because he was rich.

2. Caroline Bingley said that the "accomplished" woman needed to have a knowledge of drawing, dance, reading, etc. They have to be very educated and pretty much do everything in order to be considered accomplished.

3. Charles Bingley fell for Jane but his sister said that he shouldn't even think about it. She looks down on the middle class. Lady Catherine de Burg acts like she can run everyone's lives, just because she is the upper class.

4. Women are supposed to just marry whoever they could. But Elizabeth refused to marry Mr. Collins. They're not supposed to engage in conversation, but Elizabeth was very independent.

5. Yes, she thinks it's rahter absurd to have arranged marriages and she makes that obvious.

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