Monday, March 16, 2009

Romanticism Questions

Mr. Mohr, I've been sick and was gone from school Wednesday, so here is the blog that was due!

1. 1785-1832. It was a rebellion in all kinds of artists against the norm. Instead of being all for the "Neoclassicism", people went against this in the Romantic era.

2. King George III was killed, France fought England and lost.

3. Thomas Gray, Robert Burns and William Blake tended toward Romanticism in their writings about nature being untamed.

4. "Lyrical Ballads", people were interested because it was written in the language of ordinary people. They tried to make the statement that everyday people are important and owed much to the writings about the war. 2nd generation of poets were George Gordon, Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelly and John Keats who celebrated emotion and nature over reason and science.

5. Long stories with suspense, mystery, magic and macabre with exotic settings.

6. She wrote novels of manners.

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